Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Promotion Ceremony of a Life Time...

I just realized today how many freakin hills there are in Korea. We drove down to Seoul for like the eighth time since I have been here. The difference this time was the person driving. This dude was driving so FAST (probably 120 MPH) I thought I was going to be sick. Thank God we made it there alive, lol.

Anyway when we got down south I finished up my in processing that I was about a week overdue on and then went to take my driving test (which I failed BTW). We stopped by chow to get some food and I picked up my uniforms from alterations. On our way back my supervisor called and asked me if I wanted to have a promotion ceremony and for once I was really excited and said yes. I even get to pick where it is going to be. Sooo...I picked the building that is on the Korean border (we call it the T-2 building).

That's right, I am going to be one of like two or three people ever to be promoted in North Korea, in a building where 60 years ago the peace treaty was signed that ended the North Korean War. How freakin cool is that? Once more whats cool (other than just pictures) is I can record the whole thing on the security camera and have it forever. Sorry to be all over the place but I am just super excited about it! So when that happens (Friday I think) I will be sure to get pictures up on here.

Until next time...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy cow! Congrats buddy!