Monday, August 25, 2008

Goodnight Moon

"Time passes. Even when it seems impossible. Even when each tick of the second hand aches like the pulse of blood behind a bruise. It passes unevenly, in strange lurches and dragging lulls, but pass it does. Even for me." ~ Isabella Swan (New Moon by Stephenie Meyer)

Saturday night was the first night I can remember since I have been here when the sky was clear enough to see the moon and all the stars. Before I left Gabriel, Amanda, and I sat down to watch an Elmo video about deployments. From it, we got the idea to say goodnight to the moon every night before bed. Not too long after I left, Gabriel started doing so, in return so did I. Only until last night it was just me saying goodnight to a black sky.

Sunday morning when I woke up I was extremely happy to be getting off of my first work rotation and heading back down to the closest thing I can call home here. I actually got to drive for the first time as well, which was nice even if it was only three miles on a military base. I took my time so I could soak up as much of it as possible.

It's funny how people always tell you that life is too short, don't take anything for granted. Most people when they hear that they immediately think of family, time, meaning of life. Well being in a place like this, makes you think about things even smaller than that. I think we take things for granted like a clear night sky or just being able to get in the car and drive, no matter where you are going.

I think even sex is taken for granted. And no I don't mean everyone should go and have sex all the time just because they can. I mean the actual act of making love to the person you care about most in the world. It seems like now a days, people are just doing it because they have to. Whatever happened to, because you love them. Because you need them. The feeling you have when you hold them, making every moment special and exciting because lets face it, you never know when you are going to be able to have that feeling again. The world is a mystery and no one knows what will happen tomorrow.

I am not really sure how I got on that subject, I guess maybe its just me missing Amanda. I think when I get back home I will do things a lot differently than I did when I left. More kisses, hugs, holding hands. The longer your with someone things like that seem to start fading. Not that you do it on purpose it just kind of happens. I guess just another one of those little things that people take for granted. Well not me, not anymore.

Not much else going on to report. Amanda got the kids pictures taken yesterday so I soon as I get to see those I will put some up here.

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

No problem, I think there are some free/cheaper programs to create that kind of stuff in too. The .png file type just allows clear backgrounds (for my rounded corners I like so much), so you could just do a jpg. I think its great that you're blogging, and I can't wait to read A's too!!!

Anonymous said...

Son---lift your head high, learn from your mistakes!!!! Respect people and things will go well. Make sacrifices comprimise. Quit smoking, eat healthy exercise the year will go by fast---maybe look into an online class. Remember that we(your parents & sister) love you very much!!!!!!

Amanda said...

I'm going to bed. I don't guess you're going to call me again tonight. :( I finally made my first post btw. Love you!