Friday, August 22, 2008

I think I got it...

So I think I have this blog figured out so I am just going to get right into it.

If you don't know me or know anything about my current "situation" then head over to my about me profile. It should give you a little information and the rest you should be able to figure out based on the information I write in here.

I have been in Korea two weeks tomorrow. I have to admit that it has gone pretty well. I still have my moments where I miss my family so much that it hurts my stomach and I feel like I am going to be sick. I hope that will pass.

I started my job yesterday. Blah, I hate it. My schedule right now is 3 days on, 3 days stand-by, and 3 days off. To most of you that may seem pretty easy, but its not. When I am on duty, I am on duty for a full 72 hrs. That means I have to eat, sleep, and work in the same building without a break. Imagine being stuck in a hospital room for three days with out being able to leave, only you are completely by yourself with nothing to do and no one to talk to. That's my life for the next year.

The good news, if its even considered good news, is that on my stand-by days and my off days I get to live down at Camp Bonifas (about three miles south of the DMZ). The only thing I am on stand-by for is to take pictures for very important tours that come through. That only seems to happen around once or twice a month so it will be 6 days off most of the time.

My first night here (last night), I spent about 4 hours making a Twilight Music Video for my wife Amanda. I think it turned out really good. There are some spots I am going to have to have to touch up but I am going to wait a little while until more movie content comes out. I already posted it on Facebook, and I am sure I will post it on YouTube but I think I am going to post it here too.

Its getting pretty late so I will call it a night. I will write again when I can, although I am going to try and write everyday. Until next time...


Amanda said...

I love my video! I think they should use it as an official trailer for the movie. Miss you!

Unknown said...

Hey man! I haven't read any of these books yet, but I'm thinking about picking them up.