Friday, September 5, 2008

Tour of the DMZ

I know that I haven't written in a few days and honestly it is because not much has been going on. It is pretty boring here on my days off with not much to report. I spend most of my mornings and early afternoon talking to Amanda and the kids and the rest of the day I either watch movies or play video games until it is time to work out.

My diet is going well. I have lost 6 pounds this week and I am beginning to adjust to the eating habits and workout routine pretty nicely. I have a long way to go still, but with the continued support from my friends and family I think I will have no problems at all reaching my goal.

In other news, today was the single greatest day in my military career, and also one of the most depressing days I have had in Korea. I know that seems odd but it's true. Today I took a full guided tour of the North/South Korean DMZ. From 0600-1700 I was on the go visiting everything there was to see, and learning about the US' true reason for being here.

Why was it sad? Cause all I thought about all day long was Amanda, and how much she would have LOVED to be on that tour. Amanda has always talked about how she wants to travel and see the world, and boy I'll tell you what I saw today was probably the coolest, most interesting "sight seeing" spot in world (IMO). I know I talk about her a lot but I don't think anyone, not even her, can understand how much she means to me. All you girls out there should envy that woman because I don't think anyone in this life could love anyone as much as I love her.

Unfortunately I did not have a camera so I could not take ANY pictures at all. However tomorrow when I go up to work, I will make a blog entry and tell you about the tour in detail and give you web-links to sites that have pictures and information about each spot (for those who are interested in what I do, why I do it, or just want to know the history.

Until next time...

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