Monday, September 15, 2008

Is the end coming...

...of the blog I mean. My first few posts seem to get a lot of responses. I know I don't write in it but a few times a week but is anyone still reading? I know my mom and my mother-in-law read it often but is anyone else out there?

Speaking of my mom, I want to let everyone know how awesome she has been. If it wasn't for her I definitly could not be on a diet and stick to it the way that I have. She has helped my plan my menu, my workout schedule and find the motivation to get where I need to be. I miss her a lot, it seems like I haven't seen her in so long.

My father and my sister have been awesome too. My sister calls me all the time, asking how I am doing and keeping me up to date on the latest news from back home. I definitly have seen them in a long time. In fact I can't even remember the last time I saw them. I guess it was a year ago, around Thanksgiving last year when my family came to visit. My mother came to visit in May, right after Lily was born but my dad had to work and my sister had school.

Hopefully I will get to see them when I come home in May. It is too expensive for all of us to go to New York in addition to the expensive plane tickets I have to buy just to come home in the first place. So we are thinking of meeting somewhere in the middle. We did this before, a few years ago when Amanda was pregnant with Gabriel. We had a lot of fun and I imagine this will be the same.

The time I do get to come home is going to go by so fast. With a weekend trip planned and probably a party or two for us and our friends, as well as doing things with the kids and going a few dates with Amanda. Its going to be so crazy busy that the month will come and go so fast that I won't even know what hit me. And leaving to come back here will be harder the second time than it was the first. But I will have less than 5 months left once I get back and then it is on to Germany for three years.

I think when we get back from Germany, on our ten year wedding anniversary, Amanda and I are going to renew our wedding vows. We didn't really have a wedding in the first place because we didn't have the money and plus we got married on a weeks notice. So this would be much more special for us, we can have my family there which would mean a lot to me, and our children can be with us too. Who knows maybe we can have a little second honey moon too. That would be nice.

Well, Until Next Time...


Unknown said...

I just got my internet back at the house so now I am reading. I hope all the moral emails I am sending you makes up for my lack of contact.

Anonymous said...

I read! It takes a while to build up readers. There is a group called 20something Bloggers, if you're wanting to increase readership, that would be a good way. I hope I can convince Amanda to get together with me next time she comes home to visit. Take care!