Thursday, April 2, 2009

8 Down...4 to Go!

Yay! With a little bit of luck and a lot of praying I will be home 4 months from today. I am not sure yet exactly when I will get to leave Korea, but if I get approved for the day that I request it will be only four short months from now.

The crappy part of all that is that I am missing a lot in those 4 months. Both Gabriel and Lily have birthdays this month which I will miss. Also, and probably the killer for me, is I am going to miss Lily's first steps. Amanda tells me that she can stand on her own now so it won't be long before she is walking.

I talked to Gabriel on the phone yesterday and he told me he wished I was going to be there for his birthday. It breaks my heart that he misses me this much. Outside of what I have already been doing (praying, keeping myself busy, etc.), all I can do is hope that the time goes by a little faster.

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