Friday, March 13, 2009

Moving Day...

So if you remember back to when I first got to Korea I was temporarily placed in a small room in a building by myself until a room in one of the full barracks buildings was available. I was only suppose to be in that room for like a week and it ended up being almost a month, forcing me to move all of my things instead of just what I brought in my suitcases.

Well due to some construction it would appear they are going to completely remodel our current barracks and are forcing the six of us that live in there now to move to a different building on the other side of the base. Stupid I know, but what are you going to do about it. Anyway I had my internet moved over to my new room yesterday (I am the first one moving; last one in, first one out) and I am suppose to move the rest of my crap today.

DON'T YOU KNOW IT IS FREAKIN RAINING OUTSIDE! We haven't seen rain in months, and outside of a light snow a few weeks ago, we have had nothing but sun since December. Isn't that just my luck?

Anyway I just had to vent. I got a full weekend of stuff planned between the move, a few tours tomorrow and hopefully a trip to Seoul, I should be able to keep busy till next week at least.

Until Next Time...

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