Monday, September 1, 2008


Today there are a lot of things that are official for me. First and foremost, I am officially a SSgt in the United States Air Force today. I won't be wearing the uniform until Saturday (cause I am off till then) but I have everything all ready to go.

Second I am officially moved into my permanent room, my phone and internet is hooked up, and I should be receiving my household goods in a couple of hours. That means that you can call, write, and email me whenever you want. For those of you that do not have my number, just call Amanda and she can give it to you.

Last but not least today is the first day of my year long diet to loose about 50 pounds. Yes I know that seems like a lot but I need this so much. Not just for my job but for my wife and kids. My weight has started to (in my eyes) effect my marriage, my activity with my children, and my health. So wish me luck and I will do my best to keep everyone in the loop about how it is going.

That is all for today. Until next time...

1 comment:

Kelly White said...

Good for you! After I have Seth I'm going to be trying to lose a whole lot of weight too. I'm not just talkin pregnancy weight gain.